Ron Ellis
Always, I have been charmed
by woods and waters and hunting and fishing.

April 20
6 p.m.
Kenton—Stories with Spirit
11 W. 2nd Street
Maysville, KY
June 6
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
7 p.m.
2692 Madison Road
Cincinnati, OH
June 8
Joseph-Beth Booksellers
7 p.m.
161 Lexington Green Circle
Lexington, KY
July 8
The Book Matters
1 - 3 p.m.
6 Main Street
Milford, OH
November 8
Kenton County Library
Independence Branch
6 - 8 p.m.
1992 Walton-Nicholson
Independence, KY
"Yonder is part of old-school outdoor writing, going back to Ivan Turgenev's A Sportsman's Notebook, Izaak Walton's The Compleat Angler, and the early Ernest Hemingway, recounting time in the field with clarity, knowledge, and deep affection."
-- John N. Maclean, Home Waters: A Chronicle of Family and a River
of Yonder: Tales from an Outdoor Life
are available at the following locations

Ron Ellis, a native Kentuckian, is the author of Yonder, Cogan’s Woods, and Brushes with Nature: The Art of Ron Van Gilder and editor of In That Sweet Country: Uncollected Writings of Harry Middleton and Of Woods & Waters: A Kentucky Outdoors Reader. He is a contributor to the anthologies Afield: American Writers on Bird Dogs, Astream: American Writers on Fly Fishing, A Passion for Grouse: The Lore and Legend of America’s Premier Game Bird, and The Gigantic Book of Hunting Stories. His work has been published in Sporting Classics, Kentucky Afield, Kentucky Monthly, The Contemporary Sportsman, and The Journal of Kentucky Studies, among others. He is the recipient of the Kentucky Arts Council’s Al Smith Individual Artist Fellowship and Professional Assistance Award.
In recognition of artistic excellence, Ron Ellis is the recipient of an Al Smith Fellowship and a Professional Assistance Award from the Kentucky Arts Council, the state arts agency, which is supported by state tax dollars and federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Ellis recreates the tastes and sounds of rural America with scenes that…are kept fresh by his devotion to quiet, lovely detail.
—Publishers Weekly
Yonder, as Ron Ellis uses the word in this celebration of the natural world through the lens of hunting and fishing, is a reference to a place farther or more distant—beyond . . . In these pages he transforms what might be imagined as remote, or yonder, into something that is memorably here.
—Richard Taylor
Ron Ellis writes with an unvarnished clarity that effortlessly—for the reader if not the writer—reveals the depth and complexity of his outdoor experiences. This was evident in his first fine book, Cogan’s Woods: A Celebration of Hunting, Family, and Kentucky, and appears again in full, quiet force in Yonder: Tales from an Outdoor Life.
—Chris Camuto,
Gray’s Sporting Journal
Ron Ellis delivers a sharp artist’s eye for detail, an ethical concern for environmental values and a lyrical prose style in this beautifully written, deeply felt collection of outdoor essays and memories.
—The Upland Almanac



In the car’s interior, in a wash of the dashboard’s soft blue light, we slowed the beating of our hearts as we rode along in the night, the sky spattered with irregular groupings of stars and the lights of hillside farms stretched out in the dark before us, like luminous strands along the backbones of the distant ridges.
—from Cogan’s Woods

What he carried in that coat, beyond a whistle, some fire-starter blocks, dog leashes, a pair of gloves, and two empty hulls, were his stories—some of which I had been a part of and others that I am left only to imagine.
—from “His Canvas Coat”